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SignallingWA / SIGWA Web Site Update

Hi everyone,

I have fixed the setting which prevented the menu from displaying correctly.

As mentioned in the last update, you will note the site's banner has changed to the name "Signalling Interest Group of Western Australia" - this is in preparation for pending changes.

Several other signal cabin pages have had minor improvements.

As always, I always welcome constructive feedback about this website.

Thanks for your patience and your interest.
Chris. J. E. French | 18 Oct 2023

SignallingWA Wesbsite Update - 21/09/2023

A new page has been added to the site. It details the lever frames used on the WAGR. It can be found in the Equipment section of the menu.

Also of note is that the menu itself has changed, and the menu is now accessed by the small grey square with three white line in the top-left hand corner of each page (it official name is a 'Hamburger Menu'.

You will also note the site's banner has changed to the name "Signalling Interest Group of Western Australia" - this is in preparation for other, pending changes.
Chris. J. E. French | 21 Sep 2023
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